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Do you feel a lump or a bulge in your vagina? Does it get worse with heavy lifting, straining, or passing a bowel motion? Do you feel a blockage during sex or does sex feel loose? Do tampons fall out of your vagina? If the answer is ‘yes’, you may have a prolapse. Prolapse happens when the womb, bladder or bowel drop down from their normal position causing a soft bulge to appear in the vagina. The main risk factors for developing a prolapse are having children, getting older and being overweight especially after the menopause when the fall in hormones weakens the pelvic floor.

What type of prolapse do I have?


This is a prolapse of the bladder / front wall of the vagina. Sometimes this can be associated with bladder problems such as overactive bladder (running too often), difficulty emptying the bladder, or accidental leakage of urine.

Rectocele / enterocele

This is a prolapse of the bowel / back wall of the vagina. Sometimes prolapse of the back wall of the vagina can be associated with bowel problems such as difficulty passing a bowel motion or accidental leakage of faeces.

Womb prolapse

The strong ligaments that hold the womb in place can become weakened after childbirth or the menopause. This can result in the womb dropping down from its normal position.

Vault prolapse after hysterectomy

After hysterectomy, the top of the vagina can drop down into the vagina. This is more common if your hysterectomy was performed for prolapse.

Prolapse is very common and only needs treated if it bothers you.

What treatments can I offer you?


I can recommend non-surgical treatment options such as pelvic floor exercises and vaginal pessaries (plastic rings or devices to support the prolapse), right through to complex pelvic floor reconstructive surgery.


I perform the following operations for prolapse;
Vaginal hysterectomy
Anterior & posterior repair
Enterocele repair
Sacrospinous ligament fixation
Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy
Laparoscopic sacrohysteropexy (womb-preserving key-hole surgery)

To book a consultation with Dr Campbell call 02890667878